involved in an accident

美 [ɪnˈvɑːlvd ɪn ən ˈæksɪdənt]英 [ɪnˈvɒlvd ɪn ən ˈæksɪdənt]
  • 卷入事故的
involved in an accidentinvolved in an accident
  1. So she wasn 't actually involved in an accident herself .


  2. Not long ago , a person whom I know very well was involved in an accident .


  3. Sir , you were involved in an accident .


  4. I am so sorry to hear that you have been involved in an accident .


  5. With only two weeks to go before the birth of my baby , I was involved in an accident .


  6. It may have been involved in an accident and been seriously weakened-the damage may not be visible .


  7. Jaywalker may be held fully or partially responsible if they are involved in an accident with a vehicle .


  8. She thanked her lucky stare that she had taken out insurance when she was involved in an accident on holiday .


  9. Nicole Kidman was taken to hospital Wednesday night after being involved in an accident on the set of her latest film , The Invasion .


  10. To decide whether the steering column of a vehicle involved in an accident must be replaced or may continue to be used , the following guidelines are helpful .


  11. I can 't explain how I knew-i just had an intuition that you 'd been involved in an accident .


  12. One of Google 's driverless cars has been involved in an accident for the first time in a situation where human drivers rely on the normal social etiquette of the road to avoid scrapes , according to an accident report filed in California .
